Thursday, March 8, 2018

S.T.A.G.S. is the New Secret Society YA Novel

The old adage warns us not to judge a book by its cover which is exactly the opposite of what I did with S.T.A.G.S. by M.A. Bennett. The cover grabbed me immediately, with it's chilling juxtaposition of high class decor and the gun scope marking. I was instantly intrigued.

The novel takes place in a fancy English boarding school where the cool kids, a.k.a. The Medievals,  shun technology and opt instead for a weekend of "Huntin' Shootin' Fishin'".  Without giving too much away, this book exceeded my expectations and brought new life into the thriller/suspense YA genre. Despite one gruesome scene, the book was a fast paced read that would find a place onto anyone who enjoys secret society type novels.